Auto biographies.

Yaritza Camacho Carvajal, was born on May 7th, 2000 in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, she studied at five differents school, but the most important were León Humberto Valenzuela, in Maipú and El Pino Viejo in Lonquén. Then, she completed his high school studies at Liceo Bicentenario in Talagante, the last year. Now, she study social work in University of Chile and is in first year.

Yaritza has two sister, Fernanda, who is 14 years old and Constanza, who is 18 years old, but only lives with Fernanda and their parents, Claudia, his mom and Ricardo, his father. She lives with his family in Talagante. 
Here you can see a picture of the sisters of Yaritza. 
Yaritza in his free time, help his family in the work, because they have a fast food place. She loves watches movies, play football and spend time with friends.  


  1. Nice biography, I would like to visit your family fast food place some day!

  2. Hi Yaritza, must be so beautifull live in Talagante. Also, I really like the photo that you publish, it's seems that they are having a funny time.

  3. Yarii, Invite me to eat at work. It sounds good.
    its´ a joke haha.
    see you girl.

  4. Nice experience, you have a great family . I hope your dreams come true!


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