Fosters home

Foster homes:

Dear bloggers, today there are many foster homes for children, which are daily subjected to a totally unfair and inconsistent system with what they propose. For a child being in a foster home is not nice or pleasant, they are exposed to many things that should not happen in their childhood and people do nothing to help. I have had the opportunity to meet children who live in these places and for what they tell me it is not pleasant or entertaining at all, it is more, they live with the fear that older children will harm them, both physical and psychological, for me knowing these testimonies has caused me much sorrow and anger at not being able to do anything to help them. I would like to leave you invited to find out and try to be able to help children, either by delivering toys, going to see them or contributing money to an institution that takes care of this. 


  1. I imagine how sad it must be. we could organize something to help!

  2. I share how difficult it should be my mom has to work with children like that and she gets very sad sometimes,
    as the nigga said something must be done!!

  3. its too complicate her job, but she is a strong person!

  4. Children are the future! we must give them the best :)

  5. People believe that children are much better there, but the reality is very different.


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