Recommendations to carry the pandemic.

We are all affected in some way or another by this pandemic, whether we cannot see our family, friends, we cannot go to work, etc. For this reason I wanted to tell my "experience" with this pandemic, so that you can try to rescue something positive from all this. I am not saying that I am having a great time, because there are days when my world falls apart, but in a little while he can solve my problems and I hope you can do it too.

First I want to tell you to take good care of yourselves, both psychologically and physically, and to take care of your families, since it is essential that everyone is healthy (at least for me)

Second I want to recommend that you try to do things that you had not done before, such as trying to lead a "healthy" life, this was super difficult for me, but I set my mind to it and I did it (last 1 month haha), while driving this "healthy" life changed me with a lot of energy, I encourage everything and the positive and controversial side changed that energy is transmitted to my family and the good vibes in the house are controlled. We can also try to develop new cognitive skills, manuals, etc. It all depends on what you want to do.

And finally tell you that as much as one sees everything in black, we can always find the rainbow, everything can be done as long as you propose it. Much encouragement and strength for everyone.


  1. aaa it came to my soul all this I will try the healthy thing even if it cost me


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