My future work!

Since I was a child I liked to think about the work I would like to have in the future, I think I was imagining myself in all kinds of professions, but now in the present my dream is to be able to work in the sename, for this reason I started to study social work.

I imagine working with the children, helping the families with the different problems they have. I imagine doing this work in an office but also in the street, as this is how I would have a broader view of the situations that happen in the country and of the families affected.

On the other hand, I would like to travel a lot, to investigate different cases of children and try to make a study in order to see how the violation of these can be ended, as for me this topic is very strong.

My expectations regarding the salary of this job are low, as social work is a career looked at less in the economic field, but the truth is that the salary does not matter to me, the important thing for me is to be able to help and try to end the injustices, although I think I’m waiting a lot jaja.

I hope I can fulfill my dream and at least help more than one family. Greetings!


  1. Hi Yari! Just like my dream is to be able to end injustices, but it is difficult in Chile,
    because there are many! jajajaj it´s sad but true:( this country's system is horrible.
    I would also like to work with sename children, I think they are one of the most affected in the country and they don't deserve to suffer. Hopefully we can work together! xoxo

  2. Hi! I think that your ideas of your future job are amazing, I admire your motivation to help people
    I hope you can fulfill your dream !
    Regards <3

  3. I hope you get your dreams come true and , in the future, change the life of different kids

  4. The subject of sename is quite delicate and I admire your strength in wanting to work in that area, I hope you can fulfill your dream!


  5. I find your dream very cool and I know you will fulfill it

  6. Hello Yaritza! Your dream is very beautiful. One of the institutions that breaks my heart the most is SENAME. I think that no children should go through the atrocities that occur in this institution. I hope you can fulfill your dream and change the lives of many children. Good luck!

  7. Oh I'm interesting in the same way! hope we can change the SENAME, I hate how children come to suffer in that place

  8. Hi! I want to work in SENAME too. I think that all the people know that this institution needs to be rebuilt, we all know that it´s awfull and really unfair for all the children who have to grow up in this sad, poor and lonely environment that is SENAME . I really hope this can be changed.


  9. I hope with all my heart that you can make your beautiful dream come true and thus change the lives of many children


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