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In previous blogs I talked about the work I want in the future, the country where I would like to live, the postgraduate course I would like to do, etc. but the truth is that those are undefined ideas, because I have always had a hard time putting myself in the future, With this I don’t mean that they are ideas that I came up with and I put them because I had to do it jaja, not at some point in my life if I thought about all those things I said, but I can’t imagine myself achieving those dreams, I find it hard to think about how and what things I will have to do to achieve them, there are times when I think about my past and I realize everything I have changed, my plans, my dreams, my goals, etc, Maybe it may sound very absurd what I am saying, but for me, life is something totally uncertain, you do not know when and what things can happen to you, maybe in the future I no longer have the same dreams as now. But at the moment I am very clear that, somehow or other, as I mention

Últimas entradas

Postgraduate Studies

My future work!

My favorite cartoon.

Recommendations to carry the pandemic.

The best holidays I have had.

Country I would like to visit.

Photo important

Fosters home

My favourite piece of technology

Post 2